Program Models for Harm Reduction
A collaboration of multiple stakeholders to address the opioid crisis in rural Ohio counties
- Full continuum of care
- Prevention
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Comprehensive services
- COVID / Coronavirus related
- Early Intervention
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Overdose prevention
A training tool for available to community pharmacists in four states to reduce opioid-related harms by improving access to and education for naloxone, buprenorphine, and syringes
- Prevention
- Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Cautious Opioid Prescribing
- Educational
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Overdose prevention
- Syringe service program / Needle exchange
A wide array of stakeholders forming a consortium that plays a leading role in shaping Colorado's response to the opioid crisis
- Full continuum of care
- Prevention
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Cautious Opioid Prescribing
- Educational
- Family Support
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Overdose prevention
This Minnesota program conducts outreach to overdose survivors with a team comprised of peer support specialists and social workers
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Outreach
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching
A syringe service program operating in South Carolina, a state with ambiguous laws toward this harm reduction service
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Overdose prevention
- Syringe service program / Needle exchange
Providing low-threshold medication treatment for opioid use disorder via mobile outreach to hard-to-reach populations in Philadelphia
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Outreach
- Overdose prevention
- Recovery coaching
A diverse group of stakeholders in Cincinnati, Ohio forming an action team that connects people to the right resources and treatments
- Full continuum of care
- Prevention
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Diversion
- Educational
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Overdose prevention
- Recovery coaching
- Syringe service program / Needle exchange
This community center in Ohio offers a wide range of recovery support services with a special focus on the arts
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Educational
- Overdose prevention
- Recovery coaching
A program in a rural state that provides comprehensive harm reduction services to people who use drugs and advocates for policy change
- Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Comprehensive services
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Outreach
- Overdose prevention
A program implemented by a health insurer in North Carolina that uses claims data to identify nonfatal overdoses and a case manager to reach out to these individuals to provide linkage to treatment and other social services
- Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Post-overdose response
A youth prevention program using a multi-pronged approach to reduce underage drinking and prescription drug misuse among tribal communities in Oklahoma
- Prevention
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Early Intervention
- Educational
- Family Support
Services for active drug users in Boston to reduce the spread of infectious diseases, prevent overdose deaths, and remove barriers and increase access to treatment and other services
- Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Outreach
- Overdose prevention
- Syringe service program / Needle exchange
A statewide database that anyone can use to report an overdose in order to better track and respond to overdoses
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Implemented
- Overdose prevention
- Post-overdose response
This Chicago outreach program follows up on opioid overdose survivors to provide access to treatment, overdose education, and harm reduction materials
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Outreach
- Post-overdose response