Program Models for Treatment
A multidisciplinary group of agencies in Vermont serving women with opioid use disorder and their families during pregnancy and infancy
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Comprehensive services
- Early Intervention
- Educational
- Family Support
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
An evidence-based criminal justice model that implements treatment for opioid use disorder with medications for opioid use disorder for those that are incarcerated in Rhode Island
- Treatment
- Peer-reviewed
- Early Intervention
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Overdose prevention
This website describes Kentucky treatment, recovery, and harm reduction programs and their availability to expedite access by those with substance use disorder
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Recovery coaching
A community-based program integrating assertive outreach, medications for opioid use disorder, behavioral counseling, peer recovery support, and paramedic follow-up
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- COVID / Coronavirus related
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Outreach
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching
A state initiative in Missouri to prioritize expanding access to medications for opioid use disorder with federal opioid response money
- Treatment
- Peer-reviewed
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
An organization providing comprehensive services to people who use drugs, including routine medical care, a syringe service program, overdose prevention, and access to medications for opioid use disorder
- Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Comprehensive services
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Overdose prevention
- Syringe service program / Needle exchange
A program in Connecticut integrating telemedicine, buprenorphine treatment, and community-based case management to treat opioid use disorder among veterans experiencing homelessness
- Treatment
- Peer-reviewed
- Comprehensive services
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Outreach
Peer recovery specialists in Rhode Island provide harm reduction and treatment services to high-risk populations in emergency departments and communities
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Early Intervention
- Educational
- Outreach
- Overdose prevention
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching
A local coalition in rural Minnesota addressing drug prevention by holding community forums and education sessions and collaborating with schools
- Full continuum of care
- Prevention
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Comprehensive services
- Educational
A pre-arrest diversion program, first implemented in Seattle, for those committing low-level law violations driven by unmet behavioral health needs
- Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Comprehensive services
- Crisis intervention
- Diversion
- Housing, Education, and Employment
An innovative telehealth model implemented in rural Maryland that has the potential to expand the capacity of buprenorphine in rural and underserved areas
- Treatment
- Peer-reviewed
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
A mobile van in Baltimore that parks in front of a jail to provide low-threshold buprenorphine treatment to individuals just released from incarceration
- Treatment
- Peer-reviewed
- COVID / Coronavirus related
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Outreach
State-wide treatment provision model that has been associated with increased opioid use disorder treatment capacity
- Treatment
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
A law enforcement initiative, begun in Gloucester, MA and now expanded nationwide, that aims to make police departments a point of entry for treatment, providing early intervention and treatment on demand for those with substance use disorders
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Crisis intervention
- Diversion
- Early Intervention
- Recovery coaching
A program model in a hospital in Connecticut that allows clinicians to initiate buprenorphine in the emergency department after opioid-related events and for people seeking treatment
- Treatment
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Early Intervention
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Overdose prevention
- Post-overdose response
Under the Affordable Care Act, three states implemented Opioid Health Homes, systems designed to coordinate and improve treatment for opioid use disorder

- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Comprehensive services
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Comprehensive substance use treatment for pregnant and new mothers in a largely rural areas of western North Carolina
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Early Intervention
- Family Support
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
A Madison, Wisconsin diversion program offers substance use disorder treatment for those committing non-violent addiction-related offenses
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Diversion
A statewide treatment system to expand the availability of all three forms of medications for opioid use disorder
- Treatment
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
A program in rural Massachusetts that identifies mothers with opioid use disorder and provides comprehensive services during the prenatal and postpartum period
- Treatment
- Peer-reviewed
- Comprehensive services
- Early Intervention
- Educational
- Family Support
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Recovery coaching