Define Your Direction

A youth prevention program using a multi-pronged approach to reduce underage drinking and prescription drug misuse among tribal communities in Oklahoma

Native American youth have higher rates of substance use, including prescription opioid misuse, initiate substances at an earlier age on average, and are more likely to experience community factors and social networks that increase risk of substance use. In response to this, Define Your Direction emerged as a movement of peers, parents, community leaders, and educators to change the perception of alcohol use and prescription drug misuse in Oklahoma communities, with a special focus on the Chickasaw Native American population. The program is funded by SAMHSA and is in collaboration with the Chickasaw Nation and Southern Plains Tribal Health Board.

The program uses a multi-pronged approach to address youth substance use and related consequences:

  • Prosocial activities to build community capacity - this includes training youth leaders, having a presence at social activities, setting up recreational events, and promoting connection through social media platforms
  • A media campaign to raise awareness and promote prevention through in-person events, online resources, and social media platforms
  • Limiting community access to prescription drugs through drop box locations and lock boxes
  • Increasing naloxone distribution throughout the community

More details on the program and contact information can be found in the presentations here and here

Reports a decrease in youth risk factors and an increase in prosocial opportunities, with a reported 4,100 people following the initiative on social media platforms. 

Continuum of Care
Harm Reduction
Type of Evidence
Response Approach
Early Intervention
Family Support

Evidence of Program Effectiveness

This program has not been formally evaluated. However, according to the Oklahoma Needs Prevention Assessment, the program is associated with reductions in 30-day prescription drug misuse among Native Americans: a 12% decrease for 6th graders, a 45% decrease for 8th graders, a 16% decrease for 10th graders, and a 40% decrease for 12th graders. There is also a reported decrease in youth risk factors and an increase in prosocial opportunities, with a reported 4,100 people following the initiative on social media platforms.