Program Models for Recovery
A multidisciplinary group of agencies in Vermont serving women with opioid use disorder and their families during pregnancy and infancy
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Comprehensive services
- Early Intervention
- Educational
- Family Support
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
This website describes Kentucky treatment, recovery, and harm reduction programs and their availability to expedite access by those with substance use disorder
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Recovery coaching
A community-based program integrating assertive outreach, medications for opioid use disorder, behavioral counseling, peer recovery support, and paramedic follow-up
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- COVID / Coronavirus related
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Outreach
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching
A recovery community organization in South Florida that supports both peer-driven recovery and harm reduction services
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Overdose prevention
- Recovery coaching
- Syringe service program / Needle exchange
A New Mexico program trains prisoners as Peer Leaders able to educate on the risks of illicit substance use
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Early Intervention
- Educational
- Recovery coaching
A transitional program for individuals leaving treatment or the criminal justice system in the United Kingdom that focuses on employment, housing, and social support
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Housing, Education, and Employment
Peer recovery specialists in Rhode Island provide harm reduction and treatment services to high-risk populations in emergency departments and communities
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Early Intervention
- Educational
- Outreach
- Overdose prevention
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching
A local coalition in rural Minnesota addressing drug prevention by holding community forums and education sessions and collaborating with schools
- Full continuum of care
- Prevention
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Comprehensive services
- Educational
A harm reduction program model offering a variety of services largely aimed at educating and aiding those who inject drugs
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Educational
- Outreach
- Overdose prevention
- Syringe service program / Needle exchange
A law enforcement initiative, begun in Gloucester, MA and now expanded nationwide, that aims to make police departments a point of entry for treatment, providing early intervention and treatment on demand for those with substance use disorders
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Crisis intervention
- Diversion
- Early Intervention
- Recovery coaching
Under the Affordable Care Act, three states implemented Opioid Health Homes, systems designed to coordinate and improve treatment for opioid use disorder

- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Comprehensive services
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Comprehensive substance use treatment for pregnant and new mothers in a largely rural areas of western North Carolina
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Early Intervention
- Family Support
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
A Madison, Wisconsin diversion program offers substance use disorder treatment for those committing non-violent addiction-related offenses
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Diversion
A recovery community organization in Greenville, SC creating a face and voice for recovery, providing recovery support services, and using peers to support interventions
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Comprehensive services
- Educational
- Family Support
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Outreach
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching
This Massachusetts program provides access to treatment and recovery services for those with opioid use disorder appearing in court
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Report with evaluation
- Early Intervention
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Overdose prevention
- Recovery coaching
This promising pilot program in Chicago linked individuals to medications for opioid use disorder following an opioid overdose
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Early Intervention
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Outreach
- Post-overdose response
A hospital-based intervention and referral program in Delaware for patients presenting with substance use disorders
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Early Intervention
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching
This free helpline provides opioid education, one-on-one coaching, and referrals to opioid treatment and recovery resources
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Crisis intervention
- Early Intervention
- Educational
- Recovery coaching
A bilingual, bicultural behavioral health center providing a comprehensive continuum of care that specializes in serving the Latinx community in Massachusetts
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Comprehensive services
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Recovery coaching
A New Jersey peer support program offering round the clock recovery services for individuals with substance use disorders, whether presenting at emergency departments or admitted as in-patients.
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching