Developing a Health Communication Campaign for Disposal of Unused Opioid Medications

This is an academic paper that examined how different types of messaging could change perceptions on disposing of unused opioid medications. Messaging including young children that pictorially demonstrate how to dispose of medications may have the greatest impact on medication disposal. Findings can be used to inform community-based campaigns.

Resource Type
Peer-reviewed Articles and Reports
Continuum of Care
Response Approach
Cautious Opioid Prescribing
Peer-reviewed Article

Egan, K.L., Wolfson, M., Lukacena, K.M., Zelaya, C.M., McLeary, M.S., Helme, D.W. (2020). Developing a health communication campaign for disposal of unused opioid medications. Addictive Behaviors, 12, 100291.