Appointment Wait-Times and Arrival for Patients at a Low-Barrier Access Addiction Clinic

This is an academic paper that examined initiation of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) based on waiting time for an appointment at a low threshold addiction clinic in Boston. Patients who were able to get same-day or next-day appointments were more likely to arrive at their appointments compared with those who had to wait longer. This finding highlights that hospitals should have immediate access to MOUD, such as access a bridge clinic co-located at the hospital, to increase engagement in MOUD. 

Resource Type
Peer-reviewed Articles and Reports
Continuum of Care
Response Approach
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Peer-reviewed Article

Roy, P.J., Choi, S., Bernstein, E., Walley, A.Y. (2020). Appointment wait-times and arrival for patients at a low-barrier access addiction clinic. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 114, 108011.

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